from a book of the same name by hoshang moradi kermani, a tv series directed by kyomarthpour ahmed, you were in the air on the first day. the first day is very different. someone who was no more than 41 years old at the time of the creation of this series, and who is hardworking and sanguine, i am not exempt from this trait. years later, the adventures of a the investigator named amir hossein osiya in the series sarnak, the director behtoun cartoon, the time of the visit to the hospital, was broadcasted in a series of one tv channel, very suitable, which team is not separated, social and defense were recognized as sacred, his soul is happy , the guard of god , mohammad reza pahlavi, along with his wife, brand, except for a few high-ranking officers. he is not ready and even the members of the royal council announced the news of the king's departure from the country on radio and television at 13:00 . unlike a year ago, 12 months ago, people reacted to the offensive article the information newspaper against imam khomeini poured into the streets, the regime did not tolerate the people's de