. -- l'oreal. name and age will play no part in the applicant procedure. they want fresh faces. it is still unclear how other patients can best be rendered anonymous. employers' associations are already criticizing the scheme, claiming it is not viable. >> of a want to go about this with the kind of thoroughness we're used to in germany, then we would needo bring an tsidservice provider to make the applications anonymous. and that means extra cost. also, so much information would have to be removed from the application forms to make them óeally anonymous, like school grades are language skills, which could point to certain eticities. that would cost a lot of time, ever, and money. >> the employer association also says that parents can be important when recruiting. for example, for these ads. in many cases, photographs would give an impression of how committed an applicant is to the job, liing professional qualifications is often not enough. >> especially when small companies are recruiting. they're looking for someone who will have the right personality to fit into the team. qua