l. latta at the end of the 19th century by the emperor who i imagine. [laughter] but this is a charming local mystery on the north shore of lake superior. this is called the devil's cattle. -- cattle its present 22 on the left side the water goes into the devil's kettle and nobody knows it where 80 merges. not for lack of trying. they have thrown ping-pong balls and they tried to dive they throw a gps devices did nobody has yet yielded. is a fine and local mystery. this fix like the a delight place to go on a pleasure cruise. but i would not recommending th going bare because it is called snake i went. -- island.. it is off the coast of brazil and is home to golden the diapers that exist only on this island and given the chance they will kill you their venom doesn't killian but it will cause a lot ofki damage. but it is the density that they have very over the years spent there is one snake per square meter. so i work in that you're never more than 3 feet from potential death and they're not just terrestrial so you could walk along and feel one drop in.