and when it's taken into the lungs and into the smallest air exchange units it can move from the l.b. allyinto the bloodstream especially a pregnant mother's blood stream and we know corporate reforms can cross the placenta and from there it gets into the baby circulation and then crosses into the brain we have looked at the relationship specifically organophosphates and respiratory problems in children and what we found is that it wasn't just prenatal exposure but it was postnatal exposure of the child that was related to their lung function i started work at home all the. which is the community health clinic the pattern that i saw i was mostly respiratory illness rashes fatigue severe headaches dizziness all sentences you would see what's has the side exposure almost all the patients from the fields would come in with their work clothes on their dirty soiled shirts work boots their dirty pants the frontline of all the impacts of these pesticides are their farm workers so they're the front line and their children are in the front and they often live very near the fields so whether it be t