the momentum of the l.b.o. of it will be that it was if i lived in my room and it was not going to know just nowhere in a public area here i did. and when it's not allowed. we're from al jazeera television and we're wondering if there's anyone we could interview about because it was operation was and i watched it that much it got full. causing directors refused to talk to us then and me by media and the company has subsequently ignored repeated requests to comment on allegations of slavery in its supply chain. so where does cause he bought a slave team to be gone go into these trains that take the pentagon away from bottle up to the coast from that they're loaded on to ships taken to western industrialized country europe defined but effectively the united states. most of course the pot is pagan is sold through just one u.s. broca an illinois based company called national material trading we have obtained u.s. customs documents for two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten showing that empty has regularly impo