a huge crane lifted the boat, la bon bon off the rocks this afternoon. the witness saw the boat leave the dock at jack london square. >> they're kind of obeying the speed limit out here. slowed down a bit, just puttered out. >> after the boat crashed, police arrested 37-year-old tanesia thompson for possession of stolen property. >> ashton kutcher was with police during a massive child pornography sweep yesterday. he was invited to join the task force. authorities served search warrants. he's a founder of an organization which hopes to end child sex trafficking. kutcher and the director both went along on the child porn sweep. >> david stevenson joins us live in san francisco with photos that he obtained today that could play a central role in a criminal trial. david? >> prosecutors today release d these photos of the sheriff's wife. even as legal analysts said, their case may be at risk. san francisco sheriff had little to say on the first day of his domestic violence trial, but these images speak volumes about the case. the stills are taken from a vide