essentially, they are likening it to the very famous deluxe xperating -- de la croiz painting. you can see the air france manager looking very scared about this revolutionary mob. they report on how foreign papers are reacting to that footage and it must he said, people are quite divided. some people are saying this violence that is desired to break rules is typically french, part of our revolutionary dna. they also quote another british paper saying that actually these striking air france employees, what is one ripped shirt compared to the fear that these employees feel about losing their lives and the future of their livelihood? losing their jobs, excuse me. genie: a french airstrike killed six jihadis. >> they were killed in an air raid last week against an islamic state group camp in syria. their take on the fact that france is bombing french citizens. you can see french jihadists rating a famous issue of charlie hebdo. he is saying, here i am getting bombed right when i was starting to understand charlie hebdo's jokes. the serious questions that this incident raised have b