you have this fight for the soul of the republican party between la follett, teddy roosevelt and taft. you have the creation of a new party which has its own divisions that people don't acknowledge as much. you had a serious fight about issues of monopoly, regulation, the wisdom of an administrative state. they're always being accused of creating this big domineering state. the progressive movement, there are serious discrepancies in how these things would play out. progressives were concerned about an overwhelming state undermining the sort of democracy that they wanted. you then have this fight between the new nationalism, the new freedom, and you actually had a socialist movement. you had it quite well in 1912. you had constitutional fight about whether we would be the masters of constitution or continue in the tradition that put property rights above human rights. basically at the time everybody's trying to figure out how to deal with the issues of industrialization. compare that with today, the challenge to the two-party system is bubbling, but it's not anywhere near boiling. tha