the third component is a class called "la vita comita." this class will bring teenagers enrolled in program, bring together those youths and the older adults and adults with disability to cook traditional healthy meals together. the cooking class will use the professional services of a nutritionist to ensure that the recipes are healthy. the tech and cooking components will be monthly and the music component will be weekly. mission neighborhood centre will provide all average of eight hours of programming a month and will engage at least 80 consumers annually. thank you. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> president serina: any questions? >> vice president loo: i'm looking at operating expense detail, look at the supplies, line 30, why is it six months supply 3600. are you buying equipment? >> there's some original stocking up to get the program up and going and also during the first several months, they are going to have the classes more frequently to engage, get lot more enthusiasm and engage participants. in the next two years, it's l