they document the cases of more than 12-hundred leaders and voluntters dismissed y the boy ssoots, laagely for sexual ause, from 1965 &psociopath geniuses. hey fool everybodd and then they aree &pconvince or threaten hese kids tt stay silent. and yyu over again innthe filee."for decadds, he boy scouts have kept the files' contents secret, arguing confidentiaaity was needed to protect victimm' privacyyaan &pencourage the reportingg f suspected abuse. buttin ssme casee, theeboo sccuts failedd to report abuse to laww thousands of unidentified men who shoull be registeree sex in society, free to voluuteer orranizations, to work at thing." hale, himself a - former scout, issoneeof severrl attorneyssssing to unseallall of the files. (sttadupp"the ffort to forre the boy scouts to open its ineligible volunteer files is bogged own in courts like this one in ventura, california. the pppalsscourt is examining thousands of cases of alleged aause by scout leaders since 19911 and publlc."the boy scouts on on released a video stattment applogizing for sexual abuse, and detaaling reeent policy changgs. "t