in the past thrre months, thheves have hittseven mailbbxes in clarksville and laarel. they're targeting boxes that are displaaing the red flags.....and then wiping phe outgoing mail. detectivesssay theyyre alteringgstolen checks and attempting to caah them.. in onn case, a ne-hhudred pollar check was changed o nine-hundred dollars..... (1:46:11) "uh, its d pretty know there are folks oing through our mail. i just feel like we need to be aawhole lot more careful. we're lot mmre worrred in the neighborhood noo about homes being bboken into. people watchnggus." us." instead f mailing checks from homee police aae urging homeewners to mail them and if you believe yourrmail has been the possal ervice immeeiately. just... monthss ...after... lance armstrongg.. his... tour de france... titles....// fall... from... race... continuee... continues... the... int'l... olympic ommittee... wants... return... a... ronze medal... p from... he sydney... 2002... cancer survvvor... &plivestrong founddtion.../ confessed... to... taking steroid