labeouf has a point, marshal. it is an unfair leg up in any competition to shoot your opposite number. >> damn it, i do not accept it as a given that i did shoot labeouf. there were blenty of guns going off. >> i heard the rifle and i felt the ball! you missed your shot, cogburn. >> missed my shot! you are more handicapped without the eye than i without the arm. >> i can hit a gnat's eye at 90 yards. that i running cheap shells on me again. >> i thought you was going to say the sun was in your eyes. that is to say, your eye. >> rose: (laughs) is this a comedy? what is this? >> well, in our movies you're allowed to laugh. i don't know if i would call it a comedy. there's a lot of funny stuff in it. it's a very funny novel. >> rose: how did you find mat mattie? >> oh, man, this is... >> rose: steinfeld, she's all of 13. >> she turns 14 in two days. >> it's a needle in a haystack thing when you're looking for a young actress like that. you... obviously they're... the list of knowns that can play the part are... is ve