now it is about to be turned into an open air laborde torrey. -- lababoratory. it has reached the point where we can now see new infections declining. for the first time, we can ask the question about how high the ratio of those really are who are sick without ever being diagnosed. doctors are teaming up with posters to analyze a group of 1000 people in this small community. following carnival celebrations in february, the town saw a sudden surge of coronavirus infections. those responsible hope the mistakes made back then may now produce some good for others. in the end, we might end up not just being those who were in the spotlight for being the region where things were particularly bad, maybe we will also be seen as those who handled the situation well. they are taking samamples of all daily life. the problem is we are currently relying too much on mathematical models and if only one factor turns out to be wrong, the whole calculation collapses. the team of scientists hope to be able to present the first concrete results on actual infection ratios by the begi