so our non-profits that do business assistance, so, renaissance, meta woman's initiative, and lacasina and so we have set a requirement as part of the cbgfunding is to insure that their clients receive information about, you know, preparing themselves informing their clients about disability access and going into commercial space and what they need to know about the law and the responsibilities but also how to assess the space, perhaps negotiate a lease and then make sure that the clients know that the property owner needs to be providing them this information. the brochures that we have right now is we also have them in spanish and chinese. and so just this past weekend, north east federal credit union put on a workshop in china town and it was great. we had 68 attendee and so one step is through our partnership with our neighborhood economic development organization. it is up to them in terms of how they want to construct the education either through a workshop or one on one. through their business consultation. so that is one step that we are doing. as i said, with invest in neighbo