. >> you at lacera are focused on being disciplined and thinking big picture and that's important for all investors right now. i wonder if you can go back to what you were saying about rebalancing and clarifying a bit. are you trying to rebalance every day, whether the market is up or down, or taking breaks in between that based on the direction of the market? just want to get some clarity that, you know, when the market is diving or buying stocks, but when it's rising in these periods of extreme volatility you're selling them? >> we have two forms of rebalancing. i appreciate the question, jon both are systemic. one is done on a daily basis with -- we identify an amount of cash we keep in reserves for liquidity purposes and for that, you know, we're by and large targeting call it lacera's $55 billion pension plan, we call that a billion dollars any cash we have over that, we rebalance daily and put that in that which is most underweight as opposed to that which is most overweight on a monthly basis we compare where our portfolio is once we close our monthly books and see which asset