i think for every apple there's also a circuit city or a mervyn's or a christian lacroix that went outss and the consumer brands that are just, you know, falling victim to the recession. i don't think that's going to keep happening because i think we're coming out of it. so, i think that, i don't think it's as big a concern and i think the government knows that. >> so the government shouldn't spend more money? >> i don't think they need to spend as much as they've been spending, but look, they're pulling back a lot of help they've been giving the credit market and some of that's starting to happen. >> all right. that, well, it looks as if we're having the business cycle. >> we're always had business cycles as long as there's been business and we're having a business cycle and as neil says we're cycling out of it. no point spending further money we'll need to spend down the road. we've spent way too much money. the only stimulus plan that worked was tarp. worked well, astonishingly well. and the rest is just money, and get your butt off the oxygen tube. >> i have a theory, i think they'