he seems to lacversthe coficunication skills of fdr, reagan or clinton. obama frequen-by comes across as a teacher or a motivator and not a motivator. he fails frequen-by to excite and motivate the broad public he must reach though he is not doing badly in the current campaign. there is a recent article in a sunday edition of the newshorves times entitled to obama plays to win in politics and everything else. the author paints a picture of obama that gives greater insight into him and how he might function as a second term president. i am quoting from that article. four years ago barack obama seemed as mps he might be a deliberate professor of a leadeumi maybe with a touch of hawaiian mellonnests. he has turned out to be of voraciously competitive professional. aides and friends sng f so in intervito mr obama's own words of praise and the russians sng f it best. he is a perpetual acatiring overachiever. as he faces off with mitt romney, mumi obamas. and fear of losing is in over3 ive. he is craficing for debate against an opponent, called ineto frantic pa