we're going to send to you ladbrokes and put new charge of the wagering machine. >> it came from mika'sread" opinion pages. she sent it to us. katty, mika has picked out a tough maureen dowd op-ed about barack obama. >> yeah, maureen dowd writes in "the new york times" is barry whiffing, stop whining mr. president, and stop whiffing. we understand it's frustrating you're dealing with some really evil guys and some really nutty polls but that being said, you are the american president and the american president should not perpetually use the word "eventually." an an american president should never say as did you monday in manila, you hit singles, you hit doubles, every once in a while, we may be able to hit a home run. once you like to have the stage, mr. president to have the aura of the lone man in the arena, not sharing the spotlight with others.but now when captured alone in the picture, you seem disconnected and adrift what happen to crushing it and swigging for the fences? what have you gone, babe ruth? >> tim pawlenty, does not seem to be pleased with barack obama leadership right