. >>> by september 1980, prince charles is beginning to spend more time with lady diana spencer. >> amongher as a prospective bride, and diana is falling for charles. >> diana was always madly in love with the idea of marrying the prince of wales. he was the great heartthrob of the time. i mean, his picture was in her boarding room dorm. >> she tried to make herself everything that he wanted. >> diana did an impersonation of someone who loved to walk the wet moors, interested in shooting, and all of the things she actually hated. >> because of her childhood, i think diana did have an absolute craving for love and for security. >> diana was only 7 years old when her parents divorce acrimoniously. >> one of her most vivid memories was listening to her mother driving away and diana is thinking that she'll never see her mother again. >> what she saw in charles was life happily ever after with her prince. >> but diana is not the only person searching for a fairytale romance. >> the royal hacks from the tabloids are across the river with their long lenses. >> diana, the press decided, was perfe