of psychological portraiture, something that directors rely on. to make an ancient tragedy, and lady macbethphocal, repeats, whatever you want, shakespeare, shakespeare, in fact, yes, research magbeth, although he did not come up with this name, it was an allusion to turgenev’s story, hamlet of the schigrovsky district, that is, here the story was written a little earlier and was famous, and here again he plays in reflected light, which was the nature of liskov, but his story becomes more famous than of course, he has already been forgotten, here they forgot, no one remembers the hameltagrs. the performer of the roles above his head , this is he who will hold katerina izmailova, and here her husband, he will commit their murder, it will be done with the required degree of organicity corresponding to the text, when in the cinema the actress psychologically prepares for these murders, loses, here natalya andreichenko played for roman balayan, but why does liskov have such an image, at the same time as a soil populist, right? he is, in fact, the author of the postmodern method, the populist’s t