the conservative peer, lady warsi, has accused the health secretary, matt hancock, of "whitesplainingre balanced approach" on islamophobia than her. lady warsi — who's led criticism of the tory hierarchy‘s response to islamophobia within the party — tweeted that she was "glad" to have colleagues, such as mr hancock, educate her on the issue, even after her "30 years of experience of work in race relations". mr hancock made the comments in an interview on the radio a's today programme, during which he was asked about suggestions that the party was watering down an inquiry into islamophobia. there needs to be an inquiry of course. but of course you should look into all kinds of prejudice. i think that this is something that any responsible party always needs to be on the look out for. we have seen... but there are senior people in your party, and baroness sayeeda warsi has said islamophobia is a particular problem and the way, she describes it as watering down, means that you are not taking this issue seriously. i like sayeeda, she has a particular view on this. there are others who tak