i do want to let you know that not every lafco, especially medium sized lafco are supportive of this structure because some will be hit harder than others and they think the calculation is unfair. it's a rather complicated issue. i do believe however that it's important to support calafco. a lot of the issues it works on doesn't directly relate to our work, they did step in a big way during our transition and during my on boarding. they are also on the front lines in sacramento when there are continuous efforts to curtail local control. i also learned a great deal from pamela, not a full time employee. i'm supportive of the increase. i think calafco does a great job of advocating on behalf of all lafcos in california. i was going to ask you to appoint me as a delegate to attend the calafco conference, but we have been made that the hyatt regency in sacramento is on an active boycott list by unite here. for that reason, and it's not in my memo, i recommend that we honor the boycott and not attend the conference. pamela miller did talk here and explain to the membership that the confer