and when you have heard the with jeanim sailing lafitte once, it is interesting, but after the third or fourth time, it gets wearing. and for whatever reason, he was thrown out of the freemasons. he decided to get even. and he was going to write a book that would reveal the secrets of the freemasons. and they did have some secrets. they were pretty harmless rituals and initiation rites, and distress calls and so forth. and he -- i think one of the reasons, in addition to the revenge element, that he imagined that his book -- as many authors do -- that his book would become a bestseller. he would recoup his financial losses on it. he had some investors when he started writing the book, and the freemasons told him not to write it. as all masons had, he had sworn an oath not to publish secrets. was he not doing it, he was printing it. he was harassed by freemasons. they threatened to turn down the printing shop where the book was being printed. in september 11, 1826, a year after the canal was finished, he was arrested on trumped up charges, taken vast -- back east to the town of canand