starting at moment, china is now lagering communist economy.avis: uc proof of that in big cities like shanghai and beijing. people are making money. chinese officials have moved 300 million people live there -- out of poverty into the middle class. despite recent concerns about inflation, the economy is thriving. china has more billionaires than any country other than the united states. feeding this economic boom is china's educational system. it has been criticized for not fostering independent thinking butted is also graduating hundreds of thousands of top students in science and math. that is why multinational companies like microsoft have established beachheads in china. why do you think the largest r&d campus outside of redman for microsoft is in china? >> talent. the amount of talent to lookout in china. every year, we graduate 6 million people. 1 million are in computer science and electrical engineering. things to do with information technology. it is different from the u.s. the best and brightest students work in engineering tavis: sta