the last minute postponement of nigeria's presidential election could cost the country as much as one point five billion dollars that's according to the lagos chamber of commerce nigeria went into a possible economic shutdown ahead of the votes the move also weighed on investor sentiment in africa's most populous country and its biggest economy. this year german medical supplies are also book celebrates its one hundredth birthday the company is best known for its prosthesis artificial bodyparts with which it first built for german soldiers returning from world war one today also bach is helping veterans of the workforce exoskeleton support the body of aging workers and help lessen the impact of hard manual labor with german workers growing older and their replacement increasingly difficult to fight it's a technology that is welcomed by many companies. at first a few adjustments are needed to fit the exoskeletons on to their backs. an employee at medical prophetic maker out of book shows them how to put them on. with a little practice he says it should be possible to do it in just thirty seconds this exoskeleton will fit anyone who's up to one meter ninety tong