lagoya golgotha. how many victims did the chgk record in ivanovo region?grandmother left that place, then... the central archive of the state security committee of belarus and the criminal cases that are stored here are among the state secrets of the country, including nazi collaborators, people who during the great patriotic war. wars destroyed their neighbors and even relatives, such cases are stored forever, hundreds of volumes and millions of documents, these are crimes of policemen from logoisk, we have more than 25 such cases stored, if you count the number of people, then this is about 30-40, people involved in these cases are former police officers logoisk district, who took part. to establish their power, so the commandant’s office was opened, the entire population that remained was gathered and announced that a curfew was being introduced, that when you had to go out into the street, in the morning and in the evening, and any disobedience would be shot. in august forty-first, the head of the lagoisk regional police voice ordered policemen from sm