of sediment and emergent vegetation within hsp and the connecting channel that links hsp with laguna salada lss; 44 construction of steps and a maintenance walkway approximately 4.6 feet in width at the existing hsp pumphouse; and 55 replacement of a wooden retaining wall near the pumphouse with a concrete retaining wall at the existing hsp pumphouse. the proposed project is being constructed in accordance with a biological opinion issued by the u.s. fish and wildlife service usfwss and is separate and independent from the proposed significant natural resource areas management plan snrampp, which is currently undergoing separate sf 1112341234 >> good afternoon. i'm with the planning development and with measure the environmental planner. the item before you is a declaration for a proposed project in sharp park. sharp park is approximately 417 acres in size and owned and operated by the city and county of san francisco's recreational department. the recreation park departments includes the locationses. the proposed project consist of five elements including construction of a perennial pond l