i also would like to -- submit a resolution authorizing the department of public health, lagunda honda hospital and rehabilitation center to expend retroactively a gift of 500,000 dollars to the lagunda honda gift fund. the rest i submit. >> supervisor avalos. >> i am in the moment -- i get emotional thinking about my family being in the room, i forgot to mention i staff. my staff members don't expect that but i think the world of them. it is important that i acknowledge their great work and the great support they have given me over the years. first off jeremy pollock (sounds like) new staff member. he is great to have, working on policy in my office, a great friend of the years. last night his band the operators performed and we all went to see him. francis shay, raquel redonday (sounds like) three fourths of us live in district 11. jeremy pollock practices in district 11 as well. it is great that we have that focus on the ground. i want to acknowledge the support. i have a couple of items for introduction. before that i do want to thank supervisor campos for bringing forward charter