lahcen haddad is a former minister of tourism and political analyst.r hamann is a columnist for morocco world news. and mohamed el hachimi is a senior research fellow in social science. mohamed, if i could start with you, have we gone back to before the arab spring with moroccan politics? mohamed: i think the best way to describe what happened is, it's a situation, of particular situation, that i would describe as an expected surprise. expected given the nature of the political system. the government cannot really have the opportunity to implement its programs. so, it is very difficult to attribute all of the good things that happened in the last 10 years to the government. so it's kind of a system in which the last say belongs to the king. the second reason is there were serious internal divisions that started in 2016 with the previous prime minister. so this has actually hit the unity of the party and it has continued to have a very bad impact. i think the other reason why this is expected is that they are not in favor of allowing an islamist politic