one can find a job anywhere as long as they're ambitious enough lainer has built a successful business out of making the residents of the many villages look beautiful as it turns out good looks are in great demand even in fake forest. big hair stylist was my childhood dream. my other ambition was to be a trolley bus driver of all things. whenever i boarded a bus tried to take notes of what the driver was doing. i thought it might come in handy in the future. have you got any customers. you should want so i'm out of luck today i'm afraid you are. you mean they resent having to wait their turn. when people go on vacation i stay put here with even the weekend sometimes i reserve a day off for myself but there's an even then i have to report for why. i have around one hundred customers a month on average sometimes i get pretty time when i shop in a village people expect me to do my job obviously everyone wants attention understanding from me they want to be good looking and i hope that's what i can do for them twelve or fourteen hours on end when i'm on the maid but i don't get tired on su