what happened after the council was with all of its emphasis on the laity, what happened practically in our churches? now i speak in a parochial, catholic context. what happened was they said, oh, the lay people are going to have more of a role in the church. so what are yo going to do? you're going to be a elector, you're going to be pinster of the -- minister of the holy communion, and they gathered everyone around the altar. this is priest craft. if you read the documents -- i'm not saying there's anything wrong with lay people being electors and when the occasion calls for it, special min issters of the holy communion, the role of laity is to be as lev venn in the world, to be able to effect the world because you are formed as a christian, as a catholic, and you effect that area whether it's baking, whether it's politics, whether it's law, whether it's teaching literature, whether it's being this a home and changing babies' diapers, all of those phones are affected, and that is the digny of the role of laity. and to bring it all around the altar is, i think, a real, a real mistak