were you at one time in laius' service? yes, born and bred in the palace, not bought in the slave market. what was your work? how are you employed? a shepherd most of my life. and which part of the country did you generally stay? it would be cithaeron or thereabouts. do you remember ever seeing this man there? and what connection? what man do you mean? standing in front of you. have you ever met him? i can't offhand remember. there's nothing strange in that, your majesty. i'll soon jog his memory. he knows quite well that part of cithaeron. he had two flocks. i was neighbor to him with one for three whole seasons from spring to autumn. then the winter came and i would drive my sheep to my own fold. he drove his to laius' estates. well, am i telling the truth or making it up? it is true enough. but it happened a long time ago. now, tell me this. you remember handing me a baby to bring up as my own? why, why are you asking that? my friend, that baby boy is standing here. damn you. can't you keep your mouth shut? none of that,