events from waller street that there are a quite a few homeless people that circle around between lake albert and going into the recycling center, going up to the liquor store and coming back and buying drugs and coming in and out and going through that anybodyhood. we don't feel that it's appropriate to have that kind of use there and to bring kind of activity around where we want to have a skatepark. we want to bring more children to that area. we support the rec and park department in removing the hanc recycling center. thank you. >> good evening. my name is luke. i grew up in the sunset and first i want to thank hanc for establishing a recycling center 30 years ago with the future with my generation in mind. but there comes a point when my but there comes a point when my generation needs to think about paying it forward for the next. an outdated, archaic and intimidating site is not the best thing for the future. i support the proposal because it would provide the community with a beautiful and productive site for future and that's what we need to think about. thank you. >> next speaker p