the lake malawi is a vacation destination with a lot of potential. but without its own airport, the tourists likely won't come. and there's a lack of money for any kind of investment. without solvents, companies from abroad, the prospects for growth will probably not amount to much local is here though, enjoy a holiday feeling. and it's not just due to the caribbean, reggae music, the cannabis plants grown here can hold their own when it comes to getting high. one of the strongest local canada strains in terms of t h. c is called black widow, the back to simon's form on the border to them via the kind of his plants need water daily, as well as regular fertilizer and waiting. and even when they've been harvested, the sensitive plants still require a lot of care. they have to be turned over every hour, so that every bit of moisture can evaporate. when you're doing one mistake and you can lose your entire harvest, a one, especially if the plants are still in the field and growing. what if, what you're telling me that though, for example, if you don't pu