>> no, it's one of the nices on lake minnetonka. stereo stove sink flat screen tv. >> deep friar, pizza, cooker. is still a sport where you have all these amenities out here? >> we like it. >> jasper rents his ice fishing house which can sleep four comfortably. tried his newest gadget. >> 19.5 feet down so we're able to watch our jig and the fish at the same time. we can trigger him to bite by watching the jig and the fish. doing different tricks you can see what works, what the fish like, what they don't like, telling us the temperature of the water, how deep we need to be. >> looks like a video game. you're not staring down that hole anymore. >> that's exactly right. >> a video game that makes catching fish pretty easy. >> you try aim for the big one? >> sure. >> he got the worm! little left? >> got 'em? >> got 'em, see what we got. just little sunfish. a little pumpkin seed right? >> little sunny. >> we'll let him live another day. catch and release, bud. good luck. >> out here at lake minnetonka, the fishes come in everywhere sh