lake pontchartrain -- strong northerly winds force water to sea walls -- >> chief, we're expecting 12 feet of water in this area. over the lakeland. >> charlie ertman, the city civil defense director. >> -- we get in shallow water -- >> what about our preparations in this area? >> now, i would suggest this. that we move, evacuate these people, from this parish line to the rigalees -- >> lake pontchartrain, the huge, shallow, treacherous lake lying just north of new orleans. if the eye passes east of the city, the hurricane's counter clockwise winds would scop the lake clear over a levee. the mayor's warning goes out. >> now, we are providing buses. if you look out on the west end boulevard, pontchartrain boulevard -- >> in one place particularly, the news strikes home. the barrioff home on windgate drive a few blocks south of the lakefront. for nearly six years gene barrioff has been half-paralyzed by polio, dividing his days and nights by an iron lung and a rocking bed, both needed nearly every minute of the day to keep the breath of life in his body. if hurricane winds knock out the