>> no, that's, like, taleisha or lakeisha or genesia. >> well, who is amnesia? >> i forgot. >> we funny and we good at the house stuff. that's right. that's some funny stuff there. i don't care what nobody says. >> we are one of a kind. >> yes. we two of a kind, yeah. >> i thought you was supposed to clean off the table. >> oh, yeah, let me get it for you here. that ought to get it right there. >> you call that clean? >> oh, well, let me do some-- cora--i see cora do some-- what she'll do is, she'll put a highlight piece on it. bam! look at that thing highlight. that's highlighted there. >> now, that's better. >> i know it, i know it. >> oh, yeah. look at this. just relax. kick your feet up there, unc. ah. >> nephew, i can't reach it. i can't-- well, anyway, nephew, don't try to renug on the deal. you supposed to be folding up the clothes. i done did my part. >> oh. >> that's it. you trying to shoot me the okeydoke. >> all right. look, this is the last thing. all we got to do is fold up these clothes, and we're done. >> what the what? nephew, these are not my cl