others just want to put it behind and start moving forward and basical lally evaporate froe publ public's eye. it's very important to respect perspectives on how they do it and let them take that moment to, you know, find their own way. i mean, when you talk with everyone, there is never a one fits all type of thing, and i think one of the most important things that we can do as the public is to respect their privacy. i think that's one of the most important things. if they decide to go public and to be out in the public, that the one thing. but i think to give them their space is very, very important. you know, many people don't ever want to be known for, you know, this horrible thing that has happened, and i respect that. i mean, everyone just handles things so completely different. but the important thing is that we as members of a society respect that, respect them and give them their space and i feel that the way everything has been handled so far is really great. you know, i know when elizabeth came home, i was so grateful that she wasn't hounded, that, you know, she had her space.