oh, how young i was walking, i was young, kalina lamala, walking, walking, walking, lamala, lamala, kalinafrom kalina, oh i'm young, i grew up with a paw, i fell, i fell, i fell from kalina. papala, papala, at the river's papala, oh i'm young, oku not spaymala, oh oh i'm young, oku nyadpayla , paymala, pymala, oku nyadpaymala, baryla-varyla, oku netvaryla, oh oh i'm young, gassey asked for it, oh ya... raine and i’m practicing adjudication of the most virtuous discourses. there was such a thing to eat: the mothers and sons lived on the farms, they called for yours. the son would have been a beautiful and beautiful woman, but his mother, on the contrary, was as bright as the forehead falls, then the chalavek and the name of the daroz. we come to your next meeting and sustreў there dzyaўchynu, past not so yes mother and kazha: “let me marry ksiniya, bondaravai dacha.” the enchantress died like that. paehav navaz spatkanne, and the hole seems: “bitten your bitch ksiniya, yana ’s frog, remember, i finally have a lad and a hut, bachyts, bachytsya more than a spotted bitch, of course, he’s doing