what i like about lamb weston is it's already on track.he one worry, it's one week from the spinoff and they don't officially have a cfo. here's the bottom line. for those of you who currently own conagra, here's my recommendation. when the company breaks itself up next week, you want to hang on to the lamb weston spin offand think about selling conagra. lamb weston is a lean, mean, potato-mashing machine and they've got everything they need to generate decent numbers going forward, where conagra is waiting for a turnaround that may not pan out. there's no hurry to make ago i decision. we know there's big time confusion in the first couple of days. we saw it in the crazy trading in ar connick. give it a few days and we'll report back to you about the timing, tell you if you need to make a move or tell you if you should wait for a better price. ben in texas, ben. >> caller: booyah. >> booyah, ben. >> caller: yeah. rr donnelley has split into three companies, donlly and sons, lsc communications and donlly financial solutions. since the split