lamont sanford. yes, lamont here, he's secretary- treasurer of our conglomerate, and chairman of my distributing chain, and vice emperor of our empire. oh, it's nice to meet the both of you. i pass your empire everyday on my way to work. ms. rhodes, please hold the calls. yeah, listen here, and hold mine too. now, what can i do for you? not a thing, it's what we can do for you, mr. magnesia. that's phillips. your business is to loan money, ain't it? i mean, is it not? uh, yes. well, i'm here to help you stay in business. we'll take $1,500, and now, where do i sign? see, we're thinking of an expansion program. yes, an expansion program. yeah, we want to take over an existing piece of property-- piece of property. and develop it to its full potential. we're full of potential. oh, that sounds very interesting. we knew you'd feel that way. now, where do i sign? oh, now wait a minute. it's a little more complicated than that. i'll need a little more information. ok, but let's speed it up, shall we? i mean