you can't not be lana turner when you're lana turner. it was effective testimony; cheryl got off.s so fast... i, i truthfully thought she had hit him in the stomach. but lana also was a major star that let her public life, certainly, when it got out, she went along with it and used it. (narrator) public crucifixions were turned by superstars into resurrections of their star careers, recycled in star performances in movies. did your daughter ever tell you she saw lucas beating selina? no. now, don't you think if she had seen such incident, she would have mentioned it to you? i don't know. well, wouldn't she? (john waters) rather than let it kill her, she, she kept it up, and, and used it. well, doesn't your daughter ever bring home her problems? how many times do i have to answer your questions? the public is really fickle, and can be vitriolic as far as their likes and dislikes with a movie star. that's why there are ups and downs in long careers. and they're the ones that survive it, that can survive a bad one, and then good. then bad, then good. the audience likes to see comebac