we know that lancashire police investigated, but it appears that nobody was arrested, and nobody was e streets of panzuto's hometown, naples, police here are still fighting powerful mafia clans. a sign of that power, a shrine in memory of the clan leader who was killed in a shooting. we are out with the squadron moberly, italy's flying squad, patrolling some of the toughest estates in the city. ——son of a mafia clan leader. yes, this is a place where drugs are sold? this is the home of another clan and we are driving terribly slowly through some lowrise blocks as the officers look for sentinels, the lookouts. this is a constant daily battle for these police officers from the naples flying squad, trying to stop these steps of crime, drug dealing, and the fear is that the money made here is funnelled into some of the most dangerous crime groups in the world. many camorra bosses are now in prison, put there by witnesses like panzuto. the result, some clans are now run by teenagers, nicknamed baby gangs. they are less organised, but very violent. we are sitting in on the start of a trial