next speaker, please. >> lance carnes, steve taylor, lorenzo petroni. >> mr. carnes. good afternoon, mr. carnes. >>> yes, nice of you to hear us today, board members. i'd like to underline again about the community input and the communication to the neighborhood. i've gone to maybe five or six meetings over the last several years and i was told what was going to happen, but there was no input. and i feel like the first input opportunity that we had was after two community organizations wrote kind of stern letters and we scheduled a meeting for november 19th. and a lot of people showed up, i think it was 90 people i believe, and we were presented five options on a piece of paper like this. we reviewed them and we all voted towards the end of the meeting. and the overwhelming, almost unanimous choice was number 2. shortly after that, we received invitations to this hearing from john funge and ed reiskin. and instead of what we expected, we were offered options 3 and 4. and no mention of option 2 and why it was omitted, even though it was a unanimous choice. so, it seems