this is all shot by lance corporal michael thorn. but the f-35 isn't the only one that needs gas. the ab-8 b also needs gas. they have the big induck shun jets on the side. and that can take off and land vertical. >> that made it look like had had big muscles. isn't it? >> i'm so excited to show you guys this video. it's called "danielle." as the video begins, you see this watch very closely, as the video progresses. >> she's aging. >> she's is changing. >> this was put together by anthony sergio owe. >> then he went and found some of her relatives who all had similar bone instruct why are and features and took still photos of all of those relatives and then through animation digitally created a whole new person who is aging over the course of this video money. >> because aging is fascinating when you really start to think about it. we've seen other videos where people take a self-portrait maybe every day over the course of maybe 15 years. this is the first time it ever been done like this. >> you can't see the one person. it like the nose ball. she's blinking a little bit. so it'