hours in the door of the furnace a peephole through which to melt in charge observes the heat lance morrow his colored glasses and peer inside at the boiler bubbling steel. from time time samples are taken for laboratory analysis to make sure the steel meets the rigid requirements, tests and company every step in the production of the steel steel. this is the other side of the open heart and the heat is completed and the metal is being tapped, poured into ladles higher and, higher. it mounts until the slag being than the molten steel rises the top line and overflows jar giant electric crane with the greatest of these mix up the huge liner contain some 100 tons £200,000 of molten steel. the hot metal is poured into molds a process called. after the hot metro has had time to settle and partly cool and solidify the motor stripped off and we have what's called an injured. the size and shape depend upon the kind of finished steel to be made. the ingot is placed in a hot called a soaking pit, where it remains until it is of temperature throughout. here comes our from the soaking pit a £23,000 bl