i told a little girl that i saw sir lancelot riding down the road on a white charger, in full armor.s just like a haunted house. daddy says somebody moved into it two weeks ago. probably a witch. there isn't any such thing as a witch. you would have thought so if you would have been with me last night. what happened timmy? well, the clock was about to strike twelve, and i decided to get up and take a walk. whoever heard of taking a walk at midnight? shhh. go on, timmy. well, first i crawled through these weeds, so nobody could see me. until i got into the apple orchard. oh.iddle of . oh, timmy, don't tell anymore i'm scared. ah, it's just one of timmy's whoppers, he wouldn't have the nerve to go into a witch's apple orchard even in the daylight. he would too. wouldn't ya, timmy? of course. i dare ya. right now. right now? and bring back an apple to prove it. i think i ought to be getting home. i dare ya. ah, i'm not scared of an old witch. come on, lassie. ♪ ♪ ♪ maybe i'll bring back two apples. i wish he wasn't going. there isn't any such thing as a (9 you stand guard, while i get t