than it used to be that was not by by africans that was reported by an uncool french study in the lancet oldest medical journal that it would increase mortality twenty five percent compared to anti did people and that it. i would call it was not to be commended as a talk to prevent aids and that is how it is prescribed now that is not my opinion i am not a mass murderer for siding evidence that is published in the lancet and in the new england journal of medicine he also and i did that was i think denny's or was it steve i can't say now which of the two their discussion is softly and we have an opinion to what to why is why don't they recognize org knowledge that there was and turn to be of aids conference in vienna are just tools we days ago and that i was one of the authors of a paper that creche didn't talk to me it meant specifically it was published in medical pot as is in england last year for two months and then it was censored it was taken off by by anonymous based on anonymous charges leveled at our paper form aids these searches hiv aids researchers presented to the publish els