archaeologists again referred to landa's book. bishop landa said that, hey, these people are celebrating new year's day on 12 kan, zero pop, and that's july 16, 1556. and knowing that, and knowing that an eclipse is mentioned on a certain date in the dresden codex, we can begin to put all of those together and come up with a system that matches and is consistent throughout. keach: archaeologists could now place the maya in the context of world history. most maya inscriptions date from a.d. 300 to 900. but what had they written ? the meaning of the other glyphs remained a mystery. a bizarre picture of the maya was beginning to emerge. stuart: these texts were accompanied by figures, scenes. and since they didn't understand anything but the dates, there was no way of telling who was depicted or what the scene was about. and thinking that perhaps the figures were priests, and here was a gentle people obsessed with time and nothing else, the maya began to take on a non-human aspect. here was the strangest race of people that ever live