they did see it in 2003 and landa legal framed the case precisely that way. they wanted to show the court that in striking down the texas sodomy law they would not be leading the nation. they would be following the nation. most of the country had left these laws long behind. there was only 13 states stat still had them and those were almost entirely uneven forced against private legal 'activity. they didn't want to scare the supreme court it was leading the court into uncharted territory. they would be safe in strucking down the sexual conduct law. and it was extremely effective. it shows throughout justice kennedy's opinion in his references to the importance of sex and intimacy in adult's lives insofar as as it helps to build relationships. >> host: i can't think of another area of the law where the sort of public mind has changed so much in 20 years. the court was different in 2003 than it was in 1986. but the whole country was different. i remember at the time of the 1986 decision, even then people thought it was a little bit extreme, that the court would